How do I check my background status and eligibility?
Every volunteer is required to pass a background check and complete three classes before entering the field. (see How to volunteer for more information)
AYSO has created and easy method to lookup and manage your volunteer status and eligibility.
- Login to
- In your account page, click on the "Volunteer" tab

- The Volunteer record displays your status and eligibility.

- In the Roles and Certifications tab...
1. "Risk Status" of Green signifies you have a current and valid background check .
2. "Verified" indicates the you've completed the required training and a certificate is on file.
3. An orange triangle indicates there is no record of completion and you are not yet in compliance with a mandatory requirement.
4. "Pending "Verification" suggests you have completed the training or uploaded proof of completion, however the Regional CVPA must still review and approve. Contact your Division Coordinator, Coach Administrator, Referee Administrator or the Regional CVPA for further action.
Every volunteer must complete the first four requirements before working directly with children.
5. Coaching licenses are only required for coaches (not for referees or team parents). Every Coach must be trained to the level they intend to coach. Your Division Coordinator or the Coach Administrator will work with you to obtain the required training before the season or as soon as possible.